My Little Corner of the World

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Who remembers Fruit Roll-Ups?

Well yesterday I went to the grocery store and bought many must-need items. One of my purchases, however, was not. I splurged on what ladies and gentlemen? Yes, on fruit roll-ups. I got the strawberry & kiwi flavoured ones. They're so good. I had forgotten how much I love them. I love them above fruit by the foot, gushers, even dunkaroos.

During my little outing yesterday I also bought 'The Constant Gardener' from Rogers Video. I have yet to see it, though. I heard from a couple of sources that it's a good movie.

Today we did the cadaver test. All went well until the scapula (bone of shoulder blade) snapped. I screamed. I also got cadaver juice on my face. It was disgusting. Henceforth, I purelled my face.

Time to post my old blogs from msn!


Blogger Ivan said...

Yeah, I remember fruit roll ups. We used to roll it around our finger and lick it or roll it in one huge ball and eat it as a whole. Yum. Last fruit roll-up I ate must have been at least 2 years ago.

7:53 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hahaha... umm I just recently finished eating a fruit roll-up as such (by rolling it around my finger and licking it) . And yes, I AM 20 years old...

8:12 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I didn't want to say anything earlier for fear of being laughed at, but the only fruit rollups I've ever had, have come as a prize in a cereal box, or on the rare occasion that I got one from a friend in gradeschool. :)

10:40 p.m.  

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