My Little Corner of the World

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Long time


Long time no blog. Thought I'd write down some useless random thoughts as no one has updated their blog in a while *cough*Alex*cough*. Hopefully by updating my own I will act as a model for others. :)

So summer school has started, as Ivan has noted. It isn't so horribly bad except for the fact that almost all of our professors would not be able to teacha monkey how to eat a banana. I'm not quite sure what that means but I thought it was clever at the time... the time at which I typed it... so a few seconds ago. I would say only one professor is very clear and organized.

Our Fluids midterm is tomorrow and the Materials final is on Thursday. God help us all. Materials is ridiculous... We are taught next to nothing and I think we are expected to know everything. I surely hope that the questions on the final are identical to the solved CD problems. Hopefully Haddad will mark us based on effort.

Hmm So I went to my little cousin Léane's first birthday in Montreal this weekend. She's so adorable. She likes to laugh and she didn't cry once. She's so easy to please. She can feed herself and she can walk if someone hold her hands. My other little cousins are also cute. I hadn't seen them in so long. They grew a lot. Virginia is going into grade 7 while her brother Justin is 7 years old. Ashley and Chloe are 8 and 5. Chloe talks so much now! She asks many questions. For Léeane's birthday we went to a Japanese restaurant. There was so much food! Tofu soup, salad, tempura, dumplings, egg rolls, pineapple rice, grilled chicken, big & small sushi... Chloe really liked the little sushi but I couldn't even eat the ones without the raw fish.

When the kids were done eating they went to the little colouring table where colourable tatoos were available. Have you ever heard of such a thing? Removable tatoos that you colour. That's amazing. Of course I took some for myself. haha....

Oh on the Friday night I went swing dancing with my brother and cousin. My cousin just watched and my brother danced with many people. I had an okay time but I was very nervous after not having danced in a long time. Everyone there looks like they knew exactly what to do, but afterwards my brother assured me that many of the girls weren't at my level yet so I assume the guys weren't either.

Anywho, last night I watched a movie called 'Water' which was about the Indian widows around the late 1930's, Ghandi's time. I never knew that widows were complete outcasts, almost as much as the untouchables. It's ridiculous. At the end of the movie a stat came up that stated that according to a 2001 census there are still tens of millions of widows in India that are pretty much ostracized from society. They live in a widow's home and are not to touch or speak to men except for the few that are used as prostitutes to bring in money for the house. They beg on the streets and only eat one meal a day. The money they do save is for their cremation. In 2o00 year old holy books it states that widows are not allowed to remarry after their husband has died because half of their soul dies with their husband. Oh, and some of these 'widows' are 7 years old. Anywho!! The movie ended on a very sad note.

Erm... that's all I have to report for now! My brother Bruce is going to Halifax to fnd a place to live on Tuesday as he is giong to Dalhousie this fall. Will is in BC having fun surfing with his friends. Daddy is in Yellowknife on business so it's just me and mommy at home.

Hope you are all having a fun summer!
I am looking forward to any weekend trips and August trips this summer!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i didnt know about the widow thing. It is amazing how religion can ruin some people's lives.

are you pumped for the t.?

1:08 a.m.  
Blogger Pam said... predicts sunny weather for the Toronto weekend! woohoo!

1:24 a.m.  

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